Day 11: Images of Reflection


It's funny, I literally wrote a piece on reflection last October, on this day, 2020. It was a very different day, a year ago...election stress swirling around me. But nonetheless I was reminded of a quote that I had written down by Emily P. Freeman: "Intentional reflection is a way to bare witness to your own life."

It's always been easier for me to live in the past. I "reflect" alot. And since having kids, it's brought up alot of my own struggles with growing up. 
There's this beautiful illustration in my boys room of Peter Pan, Wendy, John and Michael taking flight in the night to Neverland. In front of it, sits an old Fisherprice light-up globe. The kind that you can peer into an see pictures from that part of the world. 
Both are from my brother Luke.
As I was putting their clothes away, I looked up and saw for the first time the reflection of the globe onto the illustration. 
I was struck by how often I wish I could fly out my window and never grow up. 
As a kid, all I wanted to do was grow up. And now, I'm much too aware of saying goodbye. "Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting."

Sometimes it's hard to look forward to the future when you've had such a good time in the past, you know?

So I suppose as I bare witness to my life, my boys lives and the lives of those I love, I cling to the words of Jesus, "Let the little children come to me! Creator Sets Free (Jesus) said to his followers. Do not turn them away. Creator's good road from above belongs to the ones who are like these children." (First Nations Version)
For those of us who had that child-like wonder stolen and forced to grow up in a harsh, broken world, may you remember. She is not forgotten. He is not forgotten. 
May you rest on this All Souls Day. Fly from your window high above the chimneys, "second star to the right and straight on 'till morning."
You are not forgotten. 


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