
Showing posts from July, 2019

A Sometimes Deadly Sin

It's true I never really thought about anger until I had kids. I was going through life pretty darn comfortable without anyone poking and prodding all of my senses at once. But when I felt my body tensing and blood rushing to my face, I was alarmed and scared of my own anger. What is this ? Apparently I've never cared so much about my own peace before.  I decided to reach out and find a woman in my local church community to help me on my journey of anger discovery. I wanted to know what healthy anger looked like. So, for the past couple of months we've been reading The Enigma of Anger: Essays on a Sometimes Deadly Sin by Garret Keizer. The title alone captured my attention. I didn't want to read a how-to book. I didn't want to be fixed. I wanted something that I could come alongside and grow in grace and mercy. Friends, Garret Keizer has been doing just that. In a strange poetic way, he upsets and rattles my assumptions and forces me to wake up and join Christ i