Day 5: Joy's educational videos : Composition


It was joy's video on composition that spoke to me most. 
This was taken early one Sunday morning while I let my husband sleep in. Like most mothers, I have a VERY hard time seeing things in a good light in the morning. Before this class, I was more likely to be too concerned with making breakfast, feeling sorry for myself that I *had* to be up that early, all the while trying to keep the boys quiet.
But as I leaned back on my oven while the baked oatmeal did its thing, I saw it.
The mess in a good light. 
The oranges lit up and the grated apples didn't look as brown as they really were. 
I smiled and grabbed my husband's Canon power shot and started playing with the scene.
Sometimes this endless cycle of cooking and cleaning and eating can feel like such a chore. I can get lost in the monotony of it and get bitter.
But better to serve up a plate of nourishing goodness than bitterness.
Who wants to be invited to a bitter table?
Better to see ourselves in a more forgiving light. 
Not intrusive. Not brash. Not invasive. 
Not demanding my attention all the time.
The composition, the creation, the six days of work and then rest was all there in front of me.
Our work is never done, and Christ was at my kitchen counter again.


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