Day 1: Neuroscience of Presence


He covers himself with his sheet almost every morning, huddling his wiggly body over the warm air blasting out of the floor vent. I'm kind of amazed at how hot he's willing to get, skin, itching red hot. 
I laid down on the floor beside him,  my vantage point his. Remnants of Special K cereal crushing under my leg. I push aside a thought...something about judging myself for not sweeping the floor earlier...
The truth of it is, I'm not sure if I want to be under that hot billowy shelter. Am I glad I'm on the outside? 
He discovers there is a hole in his sheet and says, "Hey mom, I can seeeee you! "
I'm afraid, if I were to be really fully present with him, sometimes, the entire situation would swallow me whole. I don't know if I could stand the heat.
But alas, there is also an invitation to join. Where Now is, there Christ is also, absorbing what I cannot.

As the poet Friedrich Hölderlin says, "Where danger lies, grows the saving also."


  1. So beautiful. Keep choosing joy and not judgement. I'll be following along. Looking forward to participating/sharing more with you soon.

    1. Thank you amy. Can't wait to see what you share on the journey.


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