Day 29: Photography as a salve for trauma/tension


" An act of hospitality can only be poetic. "

-Jacques Derrida, Of Hospitality 

Tension. What is this tight rope that I walk? I live in a world that doesn't want to grieve , to name the past and apologize. Forgive me, I don't know what to say anymore.. Just like the girl on the news yesterday, weeping, doesn't know what to do, after another school shooting.  I could rage here but I'll save that for behind closed doors.

 It is a sad, mad, sick world and I feel the grief heavy today. I string up my lights on my mantle and put up my advent candles anyway. I take my little boy on a hunt to find eggnog lattes and find a bundle of balloons to smile at. 

  I feel the tension of leaning into a Godly hospitality, a movable feast In the midst of forks scraping on empty china plates. I feel the tension of hope in the midst of crushing loss . I feel the tension of glory in the midst of trash on our streets . I feel the tension of having a home in the midst of those who do not. This tension is teaching me, leading me to a good place, for His word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path.


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