Day 26: Symbolic Double Exposures


I need something organic and moldable right now. I need to know that I am held in my Creator's hands, even as He prunes and snips and carves and adds a little here and takes away a little there.
This last year and half has been a time of great re-shaping. And as I enter this season of Advent, wondering how in the world did such a Word become flesh. Well, that's beyond me.

By Marci Johnson

How can word
become flesh?
Belly. Bone. 
Tongue--the feel
in the mouth a word
rolling around. Word,
not a kiss not the thing
itself--a name.  The arch
of a foot. Your face
in my hands, just 
a name. Blue sky lolling
beyond the window
frame--eyes open.
Just a way of looking. 
Begin with a change.


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