Day 23: Come out and Play


"And I know it makes you nervous

But I promise you, it's worth it

To show 'em everything you kept inside

Don't hide, don't hide

Too shy to say, but I hope you stay

Don't hide away

Come out and play."

The juxtaposition between staying in and working, the tightness, close-fisted, wrinkle in my eyebrows...evidence of being "responsible" - a grown up. ( a daily struggle for me!) Ah but,  when the windows fly open, when life swoops in and graciously (and rather offensively!) lands our inner-most gifts into the hands of others, well. 

The wrinkle fade from our foreheads, our hands open, gratitude seeps into our hearts, fear and shame dissipate, and all that's left is wonder. The best invitation that play can offer.


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