Day 7: Mourning and Dancing/Frozen Movement


My oldest, Amos, has to have virtual learning this week. So we welcomed a bit of activity mid-morning. We slid our little trampoline underneath our almost bare Maple trees. He was trying to jump so high he started giggling.
This lesson made me think about how much I focus so much on the mourning part but not enough on the dancing. I know we can't have one without the other, but just as Joy's 12 year old ballerina said, "I imagine a straight line pulling from my feet, to my heart and out the top of my head." It pulls our heart and head up high so we don't fall. 
Here we are, hearts and heads ready to get hurt, feel pain and sadness.
May we spin and twirl, shake and groove until the joy seeps into our bones. May we trust that everything belongs. And our becoming is also our child's becoming, held within the strong hands of our Maker who knew us in our Mother's womb.


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