Day 30: Your Own "This is Your Life " Gallery Exhibit


I went and baptized myself in beauty.
Leaving, embracing 
in motion.
Push, carve, create 
this path.
My life is not just small twirling motions.
It can be
if that's what it is.
Small and quiet have their moment
in the early morning dew.
Blooming and saying
have their time at twilight.
I reach back as I step out
to find who I am. 
To baptize myself again
in child-like giddiness.
He did say let the little children come
to Me for theirs is the Kingdom.
I wander.
I see things close and difficult to come to.
I play.
I'm beckoned to rise.
All Rise, all Rise, all Rise. 
It's a sin to kill a mockingbird
and maybe the only way we can see things
from somebody else's view is to 
crawl around in his skin for awhile. 
I don't always do what's right
but I desire to.
Thank God He doesn't look at our outsides. 
So if I had a gallery of my life
I'd want it to be like this -
I'd have jazz playing, twinkle lights, 
It'd be warm and intimate 
full of pictures that hold beauty,
wonder, ache, and maybe
some prayers to go along with.
A gallery, 
A Journey of compassion, 
A refuge and anchor,
Stones of remembrance
For me and you. 


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