Day 19: Fight Resistance by Knowing Who You Are


I am Janell. My name is a variation of Jane which derives from the Hebrew name Yochanon which means God is merciful.

I have always felt a deep calling to be with, rather than rule over. When I was little I wanted to be a meteorologist. I still love the weather. I am fascinated and in awe of it, much like God. 

Multiple sides and perspectives come easily to me. I can find a common thread in almost anything. Everything and everyone is connected.

I am drawn to beautiful stories born out of pain.

I love the beauty and empathy that cinema can have.

Jane Eyre and Walter Mitty are my kindred spirits.

And "The Middle" by Jimmy Eat World is my kindred song.

I never grow tired of music. 

I have the gift of faith. I thrive above the ice, on the brisk frozen expanse of a clear spacious place. I am moved to reach down and pull up any Imago Dei stuck underneath who can't breath - who needs to know who they are.

I light up when I stumble upon common grace in the muddy world. All forms of art and journalism that represent this, I am drawn to.

I am a life-long learner, always seeking to reconcile the light and the dark.

I love a good wander.

And one day, I want to visit Antarctica


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