A Prayer of Complaint

 Isn't everything that we complain about really all about God in the end? 

So why not tell Him?

I know I'm not the only one.

A prayer of complaint – 9.17.21

How long Oh Lord?

How long must death, confusion and bitter revenge reign?

How long will our Earth heave and groan in pain?

How long will we be chained to our self-will while our neighbors our robbed?

Why are You so silent? Are you angry with us?

Sometimes I feel that you are,

that you just can't take it anymore so you went away.

Sometimes I forget in all my fretfulness and writhing of my hands and mind,

what was it that I wanted to ask You?

Oh God please don't forget us.

I'm so tired of trying to find the good,

trying to find You.

How did Your people do it in ages past?

When torture and bloodshed, war and famine were in their houses.

Is that You in the rain, the wind, the fire, the tornadoes, earthquakes and hurricanes?

Is that You in the wreckage? The aftermath, the rubble, the ICUs, the mortuaries,

the beep, beep, beep of the heart monitors and then


How long will You let death mock You???

When will the trumpet sound and the dead be raised?

When will the crooked be made straight and the rough places, plain?

Where is our pillar of cloud by day and fire by night?

Where is the water from a rock? The signs and wonders.

Oh God forgive me for wanting so much.

Forgive me for thinking I deserve an answer.

Remember me in my forgetfulness.

Meet me in the small cleft of my heart with Your silence so audible that it stills me.


  1. This was good to read this morning. Thanks Janell!

    " Isn't everything that we complain about really all about God in the end? So why not tell Him?"

    So good.


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