Sometimes it's like...

Sometimes it's like this:

       Many of you have asked what this experience is like... and I don't know about the other member's of this coop, but summing up what this experience is like seems akin to solving a Rubik's Cube... I know it can be done but it doesn't make me want to start.  So instead of trying to say all of what this is and has been;  I will try to say what it sometimes is.
Sometimes I get up and the coffee is made for me, I go to work and come back - the house is cleaned, dinner is cooking, Top Gear is playing in the Family Room and the shower is free with ample hot water ta-boot.  All this is true, but so is the inverse: Sometimes I get up to a pile of dirty dishes that I didn't finish the night before - we're out of coffee, work goes long and when I get home I realize that the drain the driveway is clogged (again) there are no plans for dinner, the laundry is piled up and bedtime (ya we have those generally speaking) is in an hour.  I am happy to report that the first set of circumstances is true about 75-80% of the time.   While we could focus on how different our living situation is to yours, I would like to propose that we are not very different than any nuclear family.  We have all gained a brother and a sister, smart responsible and self actualized (to the degree that God allows us).  Sure roles of mature adults is different than that of 3rd graders but being sensitive to each others needs and desires is nothing new for the family setting.  This experience (so far) has been learning to live in a family again, yielding to each other when the circumstance calls, and challenging each other when we see things differently. 
So this seems to be a really serious post so:  Sometimes it's like this...

So what is it like?  I don't know --Normal. 


  1. yes!!! very true!!! My hubby and I are renting a house with friends and moved in together two months ago . . . .except we have a baby! We have found a rhythm to our week and have been able to figure out a way to share food and dinner duties - although we have been tested in the patience area as we differ in our ideas of what "clean" is LOL, but by God's grace it's working and we are all getting a good glimpse of who we are by being around each other!


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